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Grizzly Feeder

Maxwell Crushtech

Grizzly Feeder

Application and user preferred option to choose between mechanical or electrical vibrator

MGF stands for Mechanical Grizzly Feeder, where as VGF stands for Vibro Grizzly Feeder. Mechanical Grizzly Feeder uses eccentric shaft mechanism for vibration, hence conventional system which is highly acknowledge by customers. VGF stands for Vibratory Grizzly Feeder which are equipped with twin self vibratory motor that generates Vibration. VGF type feeders are equipped with vibratory motors. VGF is robust to use. Both type of feeder provides best feeding option for high intake primary and Super primary Jaw Crusher.

Double deck construction to cater excellent feeding and scalping at 2 decks

Grizzly Bar separates unwanted fines and material smaller than the output size of primary crushers. Unwanted fines are further separated by second deck that improves overall productivity and finished material quality. Material Smaller than the out size of the Primary Crusher is by pass to the discharge conveyor and mixed with the out put from primary crushers.

Rigid construction to cater heavy duty application

Our Grizzly feeders have rigid structure to withstand all impact stress and accommodate large sized lumps that are fed into the primary crushers. We provide high abrasion liners to protect the body of the feeder.

Compact and modular design for high adaptability

Both type of feeder have the same outer specifications with optimum design to easily fit into the skid or track mounted stations.

Massive vibrating force with adjustability

MGF and VGF type of feeder are both having massive vibrating amplitude. Both type of feeder have adjustment to achieve desired vibration amplitude. Massive Vibration force also helps resolve the interlocking of large lumps in hopper.

Specification Table
Grizzly Feeder
Model Name Opening (Width mm x Breath mm) Max. Feed Size (mm) Input Capaci ty (TPH) Power (HP) Type of Vibrator
MAX MGF 1000X3000 1000 X 3000 400 100 15 MECHANICAL
MAX MGF 1000X4000 1000 X 4000 600 200 20 MECHANICAL
MAX MGF 1200X4500 1200 X 4500 900 300 25 MECHANICAL
MAX VGF 1000X3000 1000 X 3000 400 100 6 (2x3)* ELECTRICAL
MAX VGF 1000X4000 1000 X 4000 600 200 10 (2x5)* ELECTRICAL
MAX VGF 1200X4500 1200 X 4500 900 300 15 (2x7.5)x ELECTRICAL